Monday 30 May 2022


     In the context of the invasion of Ukraine, the Good Will Ambassadors have written a "Peace Manifesto" to declare our opposition to war and our desire for  peace. We have done a public reading of the manifesto at the school hall, to which all the school community was invited. After reading it, we played a version of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy", which is universally recognized as a hymn and symbol of peace and fraternity. Here is the video of our reading and playing.

And here is our manifesto for the world to see. If you want to support it, you can sign it in change. org by clicking here.


 The Good Will Ambassadors got together - finally! We met at "Istituto D'Istruzione Secondaria Superiore Francesco D'Aguirre" in Salemi (Sicily, Italy). After so many complications and drawbacks due to COVID-19, we were finally able to meet our partners (even if we sorely missed some of them) in Sicily. We had a great time and we shared our experiences during the hard times of the pandemic, as well as some of our good deeds. Here are just some of the pictures we took.


In the month of April 2022, the Good Will Ambassadors at IES Heliche collected clothes and other goods to help Ukrainian people. A group of students helped in the organization and soting of materials in the Pavilion in Seville. In these hard times good will is more necessary than ever.